پادکست VOA: اصطلاحات انگلیسی – دردسر درست کردن
سلام با چهل و نهمین قسمت از مجموعه “Words and Their Stories” (کلمات و داستان آن ها) از سری پادکستهای VOA در خدمت شما هستیم. این مجموعه پادکست به توضیح اصطلاحات رایج زبان انگلیسی، داستان ایجاد شدنشون و نحوه استفاده از آن ها در مکالمه می پردازه. در این قسمت از پادکست VOA: اصطلاحات انگلیسی – دردسر درست کردن قراره با کاربرد، معنی و تاریخچه اصطلاح “rock the boat” (قایق را تکان دادن!) آشنا بشی. در کنارش چندین اصطلاح و کلمه ی جالب و کاربردی دیگه هم یاد میگیری که لیست این کلمه ها به همراه معنی اون ها در پایان مطلب قرار گرفته.
اصطلاح “rock the boat” (قایق را تکان دادن!) یعنی برای اعضای گروه مشکل و دردسر درست کردن. اصطلاح “to make waves” (موج درست کردن) هم یعنی تغییر ایجاد کردن که میتونه خوب باشه یا بد.
VOA – Words and Their Stories – 49: ‘Rocking the Boat ‘ Upsets Everything’?

متن انگلیسی پادکست VOA: اصطلاحات انگلیسی -دردسر درست کردن :
Now, the VOA Learning English program Words and Their Stories.
On this show we explore common expressions in American English.
Today we take our show on the water on a boat – or at least a make-believe one!
You have probably seen a boat before. Watching one move through the water can be really fun. On the water, boats move with a grace similar to that of a plane in the air.
If you are lucky, you may have even sailed in a boat. That experience — to feel the wind and water droplets hitting your face, to be out in the open air — is so much better than simply watching it from a distance.

However, not everyone enjoys being in a boat. In fact, many people get sick from the rocking motion of a boat.
When boats are on calm water, the water moves it back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. This can cause many people to get seasick.
And that brings us to today’s expression: rock the boat. This means to cause problems for other members of a group. When you rock the boat, you do or say something that causes change.
Now, we usually “rock the boat” in a negative way. Used this way, it means to cause trouble usually by changing something.
But you can also rock the boat in a positive way. Here’s how. Another meaning of “rock the boat” is to question the status quo, or the usual way of doing things. So, if a situation is no longer healthy or good – then making changes is a good thing!
For example, one job of the media is to sometimes rock the government’s boat. You know, shake things up a little.
The expression “rock the boat” has been used since the early 1900s. And it should come as no surprise that it comes from boating.
Imagine that you and a friend are at sea in a small boat. Suddenly you get up and start moving your weight from side to side. Naturally, the boat starts rocking .
Your rocking of the boat does not just affect you. It also affects your friend. She starts to feel seasick. But you don’t seem to care. You just keep on rocking the boat. And you rock it so hard, that it overturns. You and your friend end up in the water.
So, you were both fine in the boat before you started rocking it. Now with both of you in the water, the situation is worse.
It is worth noting that another expression means about the same thing and has a similar history: to make waves. The rocking of a boat is caused by waves in the water.
In life when you make waves, you change the usual way of doing things. Again, this can be good or bad.
So, that is where these expressions come from. Now, let’s hear how to use them.
Two co-workers, Marissa and Thomas, are heading into a meeting at the chocolate company.
A: That’s a big binder. What’s in it?
B: This binder has all my suggestions.
A: Suggestions … on what?
B: Suggestions on how to improve our overall chocolate products, customer service, production, delivery systems … all without increasing our costs!
A: Wow! Those are a lot of suggestions. You know, now may not be the best time. The economy is tanking. And everyone here is really happy.
B: What are you saying?
A: Well, maybe now is not a good time to rock the boat. Things aren’t great. But they are pretty good.
B: That’s what I mean. Why be okay when you can be great? Now is a perfect time to rock the boat! Let’s challenge the status quo!
A: Look, Thomas. You’ve only been here a week. Why don’t you observe and learn a little more before you make waves?
B: You know, that’s good idea. I can always present my suggestions next week.
A: (sighs) Yes, I’m sure you will.
And that is all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories.
Until next time …I’m Anna Matteo!
Ibrahim Onafeko wrote this story with Anna Matteo. George Grow was the editor. The song at the end is The Hues Corporation singing, “Rock the Boat.”
How do you say “rock the boat” in your language? Let us know in the Comments Section.
لیست واژگان این پادکست
grace (حرکت موزون)– n. a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward
motion (حرکت)– n. an act or process of moving
seasick (دریازدگی)– n. feeling sick because of the movement of a boat or ship that you are traveling on
negative (مضر)– adj. harmful or bad : not wanted
positive (مفید)– adj. good or useful
status quo (وضع موجود)– n. the existing state of affairs
customer (مشتری)– n. someone who buys goods or services from a business
delivery (تحویل)– n. the act of taking something to a person or place
to tank (دچارافت سریع، شکست یا سقوط شدن )– v. to suffer rapid decline, failure, or collapse
challenge (چالش)– n. a difficult task or problem : something that is hard to do
امیدوارم از پادکست VOA: اصطلاحات انگلیسی -دردسر درست کردن لذت برده باشید. برای دسترسی به قسمت های دیگر این پادکست می توانید از صفحه ی پادکست VOA – اصطلاحات انگلیسی آکادمی مجازی آموزش زبان ۲۴talk دیدن کنید.
همچنین برای گوش دادن به پادکست های سطح بندی شده British Council می توانید به صفحه ی پادکست British Council آکادمی مجازی آموزش زبان ۲۴talk یا برای گوش دادن به پادکست های BBC به صفحه ی پادکست ۶ دقیقه انگلیسی (BBC) آکادمی مجازی آموزش زبان ۲۴talk مراجعه کنید.
گوش دادن به پادکست روش خوبی برای تقویت مهارت شنیداری و هم چنین یادگرفتن کلمات در بستر یک موضوع خاصه که این به تقویت مهارت مکالمه انگلیسی نیز کمک زیادی می کنه.
اگه دنبال این هستی که مهارت های مکالمه زبان انگلیسیت رو بیشتر از این تقویت کنی بهت پیشنهاد میکنم در دورهی مکالمه زبان انگلیسی آکادمی مجازی آموزش زبان انگلیسی ۲۴talk شرکت کنی که با یه برنامه منسجم و خلاقانه کمک میکنه در زمان کوتاه بتونی به راحتی و روانی انگلیسی صحبت کنی.