مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: حرفه ای صحبت کردن
در برنامه مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: حرفه ای صحبت کردن می بینیم که رییس بزرگ شرکت تیپ تاپ تریدینگ، آقای Socrates یه استراتژی جدید برای فروش میوه پلاستیکی به اروپا اعلام کرده تا شرکت رو از ورشکستگی نجات بده. اما قبل اینکه بره سراغ کار وقتشه که کمی استراحت کنه و از مهمون نوازی انگلیسی لذت ببره. متاسفانه آقای Socrates یه حرفهایی میزنه که نباید بزنه که اصلا حرفه ای نیست. این برنامه رو ببین تا وقتی می خوای به رییست بگی حرفه ای حرف بزنه چی باید بگی.
اصطلاحاتی برای حرفه ای صحبت کردن
این قسمت از مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: حرفه ای صحبت کردن به توضیح اصطلاحاتی می پردازه که با استفاده از اون ها میتونی به رییست محترمانه بگی که حرفه ای حرف بزنه.
عباراتی که از این برنامه یاد میگیری این هاست:
It’s not appropriate to talk like that.
این مدل صحبت کردن اصلا مناسب نیست.
Could we change the subject, please?
میشه لطفا بحث رو عوض کنیم؟
Can we keep our conversation professional, please?
میشه لطفا بحث رو حرفه ای پیش ببریم؟
سوال چالشی برای تست مهارت شنیدن:
What is the name of the pub the team takes Mr Socrates to?
اسم جایی که بچه های شرکت آقای Socrates رو می برن چیه؟
هنگام تماشای این برنامه سعی کن به حرفهایی که بین شخصیتهای مختلف رد و بد میشه خوب گوش کنی تا جواب این سوال رو پیدا کنی.
برای این که جوابت رو چک کنی، به انتهای صفحه برو و جواب درست رو اونجا ببین.
BBC English at Work: 28- Hom truths – Keeping your language professional

متن انگلیسی:
Hello again. Tip Top Trading’s big boss, Mr Socrates has announced a new strategy to sell plastic fruit to Europe and hopefully keep the company afloat. But before the real work begins it’s time for him to enjoy some good English hospitality at the pub, courtesy of the team from the London office. Let’s join them now…
…Well welcome to the Rose and Crown, it is small, not like one of those bars you get in your country. Can I get you a pint Mr Socrates?
Mr Socrates
A what?
A pint. A pint of beer, it’s really nice here if you like it…
Mr Socrates
I don’t drink. Just an orange juice, freshly squeezed.
On go on Mr Socrates, one pint won’t hurt. You’ve got to have a pint of beer when you come to a pub.
Mr Socrates
Oh very well. I’ll try one. It had better be good.
You’ll love it. I’ll get it. Three pints of your best beer please Mr Landlord. Denise, are you OK getting your own? I’m a bit short of cash.
Oh… right. Mr Socrates, Anna said she would be along soon. She had some work to finish. She’s such a hard worker.
Mr Socrates
Good to hear. She seems like a smart cookie. Now let’s try this beer …mmm, not bad, a little warm but… tasty.
Oh, you drank that quickly… would you like another one?
Mr Socrates
Hi everyone. Sorry I’m late.
Hi Anna. Look Mr Socrates is enjoying our English beer. I think it’s going to his head.
Mr Socrates
(Loudly) Anna! Our best worker. Get Anna a drink.
Yes Mr Socrates. Of course Mr Socrates.
Mr Socrates
Anna, come over here, let’s talk.
Oh right. What about…
There you go Anna. I got you some crisps too. So what are we talking about?
Mr Socrates
Nothing. Thank you… bye bye.
Oh right. Bye bye. Yes, I’ll go and talk to Paul and Denise. I’ll just be over here.
Mr Socrates
What a loser. I can tell he’s all talk and no action.
Well, Tom’s a good worker really and…
Mr Socrates
…and as for Paul. God, what a manager. Always eating cookies. You know he was fired from his last job because…
Anna, I think he’s getting a bit too personal. That beer is making him say things he shouldn’t.
I know. What should I say?
Try saying “it’s not appropriate to talk like that” or “could we change the subject please.”
OK thanks. Erm, Mr Socrates I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk like that, could we change the subject please?
Mr Socrates
Oh, sorry have I said too much? Maybe we should talk about you. I like you Anna. You’re keen but you’ve got a lot to learn and I think you should wear more black – it makes you look… thinner…
He’s out of order. I think he’s saying too much. Ask him to keep the conversation professional.
Right, good idea. (To Mr Socrates) Erm, Mr Socrates, thank you but can we keep our conversation professional. There’s a lot to discuss about our European market strategy.
Mr Socrates
Yeah, right, absolutely right. Anyway, you’re gonna have to lead this one not that Tom guy. I’m thinking of firing him, his results ain’t that great and…
…sorry to interrupt, just wondered if you’d like some nuts?
Mr Socrates
Hey Tom, I was just saying to Anna your results haven’t been good and I’m thinking of…
(flustered)… of having another drink… thinking of having another drink. Mr Socrates, did you know Tom actually has a great idea for selling laser-curved oranges to Spain?
(puzzled) Do I?
Mr Socrates
That’s good to hear Tom. Email them to me and I’ll check them over tomorrow.
Of course he will, Mr Socrates. Now how would you like to drink something, errr, less strong? Orange juice perhaps?
Mr Socrates
Na, I think I’ll try some more of the English beer.
I think Anna has just done Tom a big favour – she’s stopped him getting fired – for now. Sometimes conversations with your boss can get too personal but I think Anna’s got the hang of keeping things professional. Here’s a reminder of what she said:
It’s not appropriate to talk like that.
Could we change the subject please?
Can we keep our conversation professional please?
So Anna seems to be Mr Socrates’s favourite team member but now she’s got some explaining to do to Tom.
Anna, what were you talking about to Mr Socrates? “Ideas for selling laser-curved oranges to Spain”?
He was going to fire you – so I was trying to tell him you had great ideas.
What?! You helped me? Anna, I don’t know what to say. I… I… I…
I… need to go back to the office to work on some ideas.
Good idea. Keep it professional, eh Tom? Until next time. Bye!
جواب سوال چالشی مهارت شنیدن:
What is the name of the pub the team takes Mr Socrates to?
جواب: The Rose and Crown.
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