مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: بیان سریع ایده
در برنامه مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: بیان سریع ایده (elevator pitch)، می بینیم که آنا قراره درمورد ایده ی جدیدش با رییسش پال صحبت کنه اما آیا اصلا وقت این کار رو پیدا می کنه؟ تنها فرصتی که برای صحبت با رییسش داره خیلی کوتاهه برای همین لازمه که یاد بگیره چطوری تو زمان خیلی کوتاه اصل مطلب رو بیان کنه. تو انگلیسی بهش بگن صحبت آسانسوری چون فقط تا زمانی که با طرف تو آسانسور هستی وقت داری راجع به موضوعی باهاش حرف بزنی. با گوش کردن به این قسمت می تونی تو هم همراه آنا با چند تا اصطلاح کاربردی برای زمانی که وقت محدودی برای صحبت کردن راجع به یه ایده داری، مثلا توی آسانسور، آشنا بشی.
اصطلاحاتی برای بیان سریع ایده
این قسمت از مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: بیان سریع ایده به توضیح عباراتی می پردازه که با کمک اون ها می تونی در زمان خیلی محدود درمورد ایده های جدیدت صحبت کنی.
عباراتی که از این برنامه یاد میگیری این هاست:
We’ve come up with an exciting new product.
ما به فکر یک محصول جدید و جالب افتادیم.
This fantastic product will be a great addition to table decorations in the cafe and restaurant market.
این محصول جالب می تونه ایده عالی ای باشه برای تزیین میز برای بازار کافه ها و رستوران ها.
We can increase efficiency but maintain quality.
ما می تونیم کارایی را افزایش دهیم اما کیفیت رو هم حفظ کنیم.
By my calculations, we can increase profits by 20%.
با محاسبات من می تونیم سود را تا 20٪ افزایش دهیم.
I’m confident this new product will be a huge success.
من اطمینان دارم که این محصول جدید موفقیت چشمگیری خواهد داشت.
سوال چالشی برای تست مهارت شنیدن:
How much does Anna hope her new product will increase profits by?
آنا امیدوار است که محصول جدیدش تا چقدر می تواند سودآوری را افزایش دهد؟
هنگام تماشای این برنامه سعی کن به حرفهایی که بین شخصیتهای مختلف رد و بد میشه خوب گوش کنی تا جواب این سوال رو پیدا کنی.
برای این که جوابت رو چک کنی، به انتهای صفحه برو و جواب درست رو اونجا ببین.
BBC English at Work: 45-The plastic aubergine Language for making an elevator pitch

متن انگلیسی:
So Anna, that guy didn’t really know what he was doing did he?
You mean Dave?
Dave – was that his name? He had a really bad smell.
No he didn’t. He’s done a great job. Look everything is working so, if you don’t mind, I think we should get this pitch for Paul finished.
You’d better hurry up. Paul’s taking the afternoon off to go to his biscuit lovers’ convention.
Oh right. Well, we might as well leave it until tomorrow then Anna.
No Tom. There’s no time like the present – I heard someone say that once – we’ve got to get our idea to Paul as soon as possible. Then we might have time for a drink, or shall I ask Dave?!
No, no, you’re right. Look, I’ll design some pictures of the aubergine and you get the results of our survey together, yeah?
Well done Anna. Remember to make your pitch clear and exciting. Really sell it with words like ‘exceptional!’, ‘fantastic!’, ‘quality’, ‘profit’, ‘efficiency’, and ‘value for money’.
OK, I’ve got all that. I’m just adding some of the facts and figures from our customer survey.
Anna, I’ve got the designs, they’re coming off the printer now.
Denise, I’m off now. Can’t wait any longer for my garibaldis!
Wait Paul! I need to tell you about our new product idea.
Well, I, I, have to go. Can you tell me about it in the lift?
In the lift? Do I have to?
Sorry Anna, but that’s the only time I’ve got.
Right Anna. It’s time for your ‘elevator pitch’ – an elevator is an American word for lift. You’ll need to pitch your idea quickly and concisely. You need to tell Paul what the product is and who your market is. Then talk about how you hope it will make money for the company. Talk about the evidence you have that it will be successful and convince him it will really benefit the business.
Phew, there’s a lot to say in a short time but here goes.
Anna, could you just press the 0 button there, thanks.
Now Paul. Tom and I have come up with a new exciting product – the plastic aubergine.
Oh yes?
Yes. This fantastic product will be a great addition to table decorations in the café and restaurant market.
Will it now? Do you really think it will be a profitable addition to our plastic portfolio?
Oh yes. Using the same plastics as our fruits, we can easily re-mould our bananas and change the colour. We can increase efficiency but maintain quality.
And profits?
By my calculations, we can increase profits by 20%. That’s based on selling the same quantity that we now sell of Imperial Lemons.
Hmm, 20%, really? But do you know who’s going to buy this product?
I do. We’ve conducted a survey and already found 10 new companies who would buy this and 27 existing customers who have shown an interest in it…
…and I’m confident this new product will be a huge success.
Very impressive. You’ve certainly done your homework. Look, let me chew it over – probably on a custard cream – and I’ll get back to you.
Thanks. Paul, Paul… you’ve forgotten your bag.
Oh yes, I’ll need that. Thanks.
Great work Anna! You convinced me but have you convinced Paul?
So Anna’s done her first ‘elevator pitch’ and kept to the facts. Here’s a reminder of some of the things she said:
We’ve come up with an exciting new product.
This fantastic product will be a great addition to table decorations in the café and restaurant market.
We can increase efficiency but maintain quality.
By my calculations, we can increase profits by 20%.
I’m confident this new product will be a huge success.
So, how did it go Anna?
I’m not sure. I told Paul as much as I could and I think he listened.
Good, good. So, what are you doing now?
I’ve got to meet someone.
Anyone I know?
No, not really.
It’s Dave from IT isn’t it? What does she see in him?
Do you want me to answer that Tom?! Anna may have fallen for the charms of Dave but let’s hope she keeps her mind on her plastic aubergines. Join us again next time on English at Work.
جواب سوال چالشی مهارت شنیدن:
How much does Anna hope her new product will increase profits by?
جواب: 20 درصد
امیدوارم از مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: بیان سریع ایده لذت برده باشی.
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