در برنامه مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: پشتیبانی فنی می بینیم که برای کامپیوترهای شرکت Tip Top Trading مشکل جدی پیش اومده! تمام پروژه های کارمندها از روی کامپیوترهاشون پاک شده! آنا به پشتیبانی فنی زنگ می زنه اما آیا می تونه مشکلی که پیش اومده رو درست توضیح بده و آیا بخش IT میتونه کمکی بکنه؟ این قسمت از برنامه مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار رو گوش کن تا تو هم همراه آنا با چند اصطلاح کاربردی برای توضیح مشکلات کامپیوتری آشنا بشی.

اصطلاحاتی برای توضیح مشکلات کامپیوتری

این قسمت از مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: پشتیبانی فنی به توضیح اصطلاحاتی می پردازه که با استفاده از اون ها میتونی درباره ی مشکلاتی که برای کامپیوتر پیش میاد صحبت کنی.

عباراتی که از این برنامه یاد میگیری این هاست:

I am having problems with my computer.

کامپیوترم دچار مشکل شده.

The screen keeps freezing.

صفحه نمایش همش هنگ میکنه.

I seem to have lost some documents.

به نظر میاد چندتا از فایل هام رو از دست دادم.

I have turned the computer off and on but that hasn’t fixed it.

کامپیوتر رو خاموش روشن کردم اما مشکل رو حل نکرد.

Can you help, please?

میشه لطفا کمک کنید؟

سوال چالشی برای تست مهارت شنیدن:

What is the technical term for turning the computer off and on again?

اصطلاح فنی برای خاموش روشن کردن دوباره کامپیوتر چیه؟

هنگام تماشای این برنامه سعی کن به حرف‌هایی که بین شخصیت‌های مختلف رد و بد میشه خوب گوش کنی تا جواب این سوال رو پیدا کنی.

برای این که جوابت رو چک کنی، به انتهای صفحه برو و جواب درست رو اونجا ببین.

BBC English at Work: 44 – Computer crisis Language to us in dealing with it support

مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: پشتیبانی فنی
متن انگلیسی مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: پشتیبانی فنی

It’s frozen. Nothing will work…

Yeah and all my football scores… I mean company accounts… have disappeared.

Can anyone get their computers to work? Or is just me?

Welcome back to the offices of Tip Top Trading where, as you can hear, there appears to be a bit of computer trouble. Everyone’s work seems to have disappeared. This is serious so who can sort it out?

Leave it to me. I’ll sort it out. You just need to switch it off… and on again … like that.

Hold on, let’s check… Denise! All my documents have gone now!

Oh, sorry, I was just trying to help. You’ll just have to call I.T. Support, look, here’s their number.

‘It’ Support?

No Anna not ‘it’ but I.T. Support – information technology – sometimes called Computer Support. Most big companies have them. These are the people who sort out your computer problems and get everything working again. But be careful, they might ask some tricky questions.

OK, thanks. But what should I say to them?

Tell them: “I am having problems with my computer”, then say “the screen keeps freezing” and “I seem to have lost some documents”. Tell them “I have turned the computer off and on but that hasn’t fixed it”. Finally, ask if they can help – please!

Well, I’ll give it a try. Here goes.

I.T. Man
I.T., Dave speaking, how can I help?

Oh hello Dave – I’m having some computer problems – in fact everyone is here.

I.T. Man
Right. What system are you using?

What system?

I.T. Man
Yeah, what are you using? PC, laptop, Windows XP?

Tell him it’s Windows 7.

Erm… it’s Windows 7 on a PC.

I.T. Man
Good, good, this should be easy. Were you using many applications when it crashed?


I.T. Man
Did you have lots of things open – documents, spreadsheets, videos, other software?

Well, I suppose I did.

I.T. Man
Right, well… Anna isn’t it?


I.T. Man
Right, well Anna, try pressing control, alt, delete, at the same time – after that try opening Windows again.

OK. Tom, could you open the windows please.

What eh? The windows?!

Yes. Dave says so.

I.T. Man
No, no, no. Open Windows 7 on your computer.

Oh, silly me! No, the screen just freezes. I’m a bit worried because I think I’ve lost some documents.

I.T. Man
Hmmm. In that case the only thing to do is reboot it.

Reboot it?You mean kick it?!

No! Reboot means turn it on and off again.

Oh I see. No Dave, I have already tried turning it off and on again but that hasn’t fixed it. What am I going to do?

I.T. Man
Don’t panic! I’ll come and have a look. You’re on the 2nd floor right?

Oh dear. This is a bit worrying but I’m sure Dave, the IT man, will get things sorted. Remember if you have important documents, it’s best to back them up on a memory stick just in case you have a problem like this.  Let’s remind ourselves of the phrases we might use if we have to call computer support:  

I am having problems with my computer

The screen keeps freezing

I seem to have lost some documents

I have turned the computer off and on but that hasn’t fixed it

Can you help, please?

I.T. Man
Oh hi. Is Anna here?   

She’s over there.

So Anna, I’m just going to unplug the screen and put the wire back in here…

OK Tom but are you OK down there? Mind your head.

I.T. Man
Excuse me, are you Anna? I’ve come to fix your computer.

Oh, hello… you must be… Dave. I really like your hair.


I.T. Man
Thanks. You look rather lovely. I’d better take a look at your computer.

Don’t worry guys, it’s OK, I think I’ve fixed it!

Looks like Tom has a rival. Is Anna going to fall for the charms of Dave, the I.T. man, or is he just going to upgrade her software? This could get very interesting – but there’s still work to be done – so join us again soon for English at Work. Bye. 

جواب سوال چالشی مهارت شنیدن:

What is the technical term for turning the computer off and on again?
To reboot the computer.

جواب: اصطلاح فنی برای خاموش روشن کردن کامپیوتر “reboot” ئه.

امیدوارم از مکالمه انگلیسی در محل کار: پشتیبانی فنی لذت برده باشی.

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