با سلام خدمت اساتید محترم ، به آکادمی 24talk خوش آمدید. ضمن عرض احترام ، مدیریت آموزش آکادمی 24talk به استحضار میرساند ، برای بهبود کیفیت کلاسها و مدیریت سیستم آموزشی و همچنین ارزیابی استانداردهای رفتار آموزشی و حرفه ای اساتید محترم پارامترهای زیر برای این ارزیابی و رعایت آنها در نظر گرفته شده است.
Not Observed/0
Below Standard/1
At Standard/2
Above Standard/3
Management of Instructional Tim1
Teacher has material, supplies, and equipment ready at the start of the lesson or instructional activity.
Teacher gets the class started quickly and on time
Teacher uses available time for learning and keeps students on task.
Not Observed/0
Below Standard/1
At Standard/2
Above Standard/3
Management of Student Behavior
Teacher has established a set of rules and procedures that govern the handling of routine administrative matters.
Teacher frequently monitors the behavior of all students during whole-class, small group, and seat work activities and during transitions between instructional activities.
Not Observed/0
Below Standard/1
At Standard/2
Above Standard/3
Instructional Presentation
Teacher links instructional activities to prior learning.
Teacher understands learning activities must be understandable, meaningful and motivating for students.
Teacher speaks fluently and precisely.
Teacher provides relevant examples and demonstrations to illustrate concepts and skills.
Teacher assigns tasks and asks appropriate levels of questions that students handle with a high rate of success.
Teacher conducts the lesson or instructional activity at a brisk pace, slowing presentations when necessary for student understanding but avoiding unnecessary slowdowns.
Teacher makes transitions between lessons and between instructional activities within lessons effectively and smoothly.
Teacher makes sure that assignment and classroom instruction is clear.
Teacher creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
Teacher uses instructional strategies that encourage the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
Teacher uses technology to support instruction.
Teacher encourages students to be engaged in and responsible for their own learning.
Teacher must fully utilize Big Blue Button features.
Teacher is aware of learner’s diverse needs and also their cultural background
Not Observed/0
Below Standard/1
At Standard/2
Above Standard/3
Instructional Monitoring of Student Performance
Teacher maintains clear, firm, and reasonable work standards and due dates.
Teacher routinely uses oral, written, and other work products to evaluate the effects of instructional activities and to check student progress.
Teacher poses questions clearly and one at a time.
Teacher uses student responses to adjust teaching as necessary.
در این مقاله قصد داریم به کاربرد های some و any و a lot of که یکی از مباحث مهم در گرامر زبان انگلیسی است بپردازیم. Some, any و a lot of برای اسامی جمع قابل شمارش و اسامی غیر قابل شمارش استفاده می شوند
مکالمه زبان انگلیسی و ترس هم میتونه باعث پیشرفت شما بشه و هم درجا زدن! ترس واقعیتیه که غلبه کردن بر اون نیاز به شجاعت و اراده قوی به همراه تمرین زیاد داره.
در این مقاله می خواهیم کاربردهای For و During و While را برای شما بیان کنیم برای بیان مدت زمان انجام کاری عبارت For قبل از یک بازه زمانی به کار برده می شود