پادکست British Council سطح A2 شماره 3: Changing a meeting time

با سومین قسمت از پادکست British Council سطح A2 (پایه – Pre-intermediate) همراه شما هستیم.

گوش دادن به این پادکست ها به تقویت مهارت listening ات کمک زیادی میکنه، پس اگه سطحت Pre-intermediate ئه و دوست داری این مهارت خیلی مهم رو از همون قدم های اول یادگیری زبان تقویت کنی، این پادکست رو از دست نده!

قبل از گوش دادن به پادکست، تمرین آمادگی زیر را انجام بده. بعد به پادکست گوش کن و تمرین های آخر مطلب را با توجه به محتوای پادکست انجام بده.

تمرین آمادگی

عبارت سمت چپ را به معنی آن ها در ستون سمت راست وصل کن : (جواب تمرین در انتهای صفحه)

a. to change the time or date of a meetingto cancel a meeting
b. to have a meeting at a later time or dateto confirm a meeting
c. to have a meeting at an earlier time or dateto bring a meeting forward
d. to say that a meeting will happento postpone a meeting
e. to say that you will go to a meeting to move a meeting
f. to decide that a meeting will not take placeto accept an invitation to a

حالا به پادکست گوش کن. در این قسمت دو نفر دارن درباره ی جا به جا کردن زمان یک جلسه با هم حرف می زنن. با گوش دادن به پادکست هم می تونی مهارت شنیداریت رو تقویت کنی و هم کلی عبارت و کلمه ی کاربردی یاد بگیری.

British Council – Pre-intermediate: Changing a meeting time

پادکست British Council سطح A2 شماره 3

متن پادکست:

Lucy: Hi, Anna. Do you have a minute to talk about the meeting next Tuesday?

Anna: Sure. We said 11, didn’t we?

Lucy: Yeah, we did. But I have a bit of a problem with the time. Would it be possible to move it?

Anna: Oh, I see. We could postpone it to the afternoon, to 1 p.m., for example. Or bring it forward to earlier in the morning. What would suit you?

Lucy: Could we make it 9 o’clock? That would really help me. I have another important meeting in the central office at 12.

Anna: No problem. It’s important you’re there.

Lucy: Thanks a lot, Anna.

Anna: Do you need help with any preparation? Did you get the agenda I sent out?

Lucy: Yes, I did. And no, that’s all fine, thanks. My report is ready and I’m looking forward to presenting it.

Anna: Great.

Lucy: I can tell Sven about the time change. I’ll see him later.

Anna: Don’t worry about telling Sven. I’ll send an email to everyone to confirm the time has changed and with an updated meeting invite.

Lucy: Great. Thanks, Anna.

Anna: OK. I’m happy that works for you. We really need you there and it’s good we don’t have to cancel it.

Lucy: See you then. Have a good weekend in the meantime.

Anna: You too.

حالا به سوالات زیر جواب بده:

تسک 1:

جواب درست را انتخاب کن:

1)The meeting time
a. The meeting was first planned for 9 a.m.
b. The meeting was first planned for 11 a.m.
c. The meeting was first planned for 1 p.m.

2)Moving the meeting
a. Lucy wants to cancel the meeting.
b. Lucy wants to bring the meeting forward.
c. Lucy wants to postpone the meeting.

3)The new meeting time
a. The new meeting time is 9 a.m.
b. The new meeting time is 11 a.m.
c. The new meeting time is 1 p.m.

4)The agenda
a. Anna has already sent the agenda.
b. Anna is sending the agenda now.
c. Anna will send the agenda later

5)Lucy’s presentation
a. Lucy is nervous about her presentation.
b. Lucy is looking forward to her presentation.
c. Lucy isn’t ready to give her presentation.

6)Telling the other people
a. Lucy will tell the others about the time change.
b. Sven will tell the others about the time change.
c. Anna will tell the others about the time change.

تسک 2

جملات زیر را با کلمات داخل پرانتز کامل کن:

(accept, bring, agenda, forward, postpone, invitation, cancel)

1) I sent an ……………………………… with the topics for the meeting.

2) Could we ……………………………… the meeting to a later date?

3) Could we ……………… the meeting ……………………… to an earlier time?

4)The project has been stopped. So we need to ……………………………… the meeting.

5)I’ll send a meeting ……………………………… with the time and place

6)I’ll ……………………………… the invitation when I get it.

جواب ها

1) f
2) d
3) c
4) b
5) a
6) e

تسک 1

1) b
2) b
3) a
4) a
5) b
6) c

تسک 2

1) agenda
2) postpone
3) bring | forward
4) cancel
5) invitation
6) accept

امیدوارم از پادکست British Council سطح A2 شماره 3 لذت برده باشید. برای دسترسی به قسمت های دیگر این پادکست می توانید از صفحه ی پادکست British Council آکادمی مجازی آموزش زبان 24talk دیدن کنید.

همچنین برای گوش دادن به پادکست های BBC می توانید به صفحه ی پادکست 6 دقیقه انگلیسی (BBC) آکادمی مجازی آموزش زبان 24talk مراجعه کنید.