در این قسمت درباره تاریخچه hello یا سلام صحبت میشه. کلمه‌ای که بارها و بارها ممکنه در یک روز استفاده بشه. سلام کردن شاید برای اینکه فتح بابی برای شروع تعامل انسان‌ها و تبادل نظرات به یکدیگر باشد، بوجود آمد. این کلمه شروعی برای آشنا شدن انسان‌ها با یکدیگر است.(نظر خودتون رو به انگلیسی در بخش دیدگاه با ما در میون بذارید!) در پادکست BBC انگلیسی – Hello hello میشنویم که راب و کاترین درباره این مسائل صحبت می کنند و در طول مسیر هم کلمات مرتبط رو آموزش میدن.

پادکست انگلیسی BBC پادکست انگلیسی VOA پادکست سطح‌بندی British Council

سوال پادکست BBC انگلیسی – Hello, hello :

When did ‘hello’ first appear in print?

a) 1890s

b) 1950s

c) 1820s

به پادکست خوب گوش کن تا جواب رو پیدا کنی.

اگر می خوای گوش دادن به پادکست تا حد امکان برات ساده و کارآمد باشه مراحل زیر را دنبال کن:

هر روز به پادکست گوش کن. وقتی براش یه وقت ثابت در روز در نظر بگیری برات تبدیل به عادت میشه و این عادت هرروز پیشرفت میکنه.

پادکستی رو پیدا کن که موضوعش برات جالب باشه. وقتی از خود موضوع لذت ببری یادگیری هم برات لذتبخش میشه.

به پادکستی گوش کن که transcript یا متن داره. این بهت کمک می کنه تا کلمات و عبارات جدید رو به سرعت در متن پیدا کنی و ساختار انواع مختلف جمله رو خوب یاد بگیری.

پس از گوش دادن به پادکست با متن، در مرحله بعدی سعی کن بدون نگاه کردن به متن این کار رو انجام بدی. این کار مهارت شنیداری رو تقویت می کنه و کمک می کنه تا انگلیسی زبانان بومی را راحت تر درک کنی، حتی اگر خیلی سریع صحبت کنن.

اگه به پادکست انگلیسی گوش کردی و نتونستی کامل متوجه اش بشی، ناامید نشو. پادکست هایESL -English as Second Language بیشماری وجود دارن که برای سطوح مختلف، از ابتدایی تا پیشرفته طراحی شدن. مطمئنا هر روز می تونین یه پادکست مناسب با سطح خودت پیدا کنی.

فراموش نکن که هرچی بیشتر تمرین کنی در اون مهارت رشد میکنی! به قول انگلیسی ها: Practice makes perfect

واژگان کلیدی پادکست BBC انگلیسی - Hello, hello

معنی به فارسیمعنی به انگلیسیواژه
موضوعی پر از مشکلات پنهانsubject full of hidden problemsminefield
بوسه بدون تماس با یکدیگرa kiss which does not touch the face, but goes very closeair-kiss
آیینpattern of behaviour in a certain contextritual
گیج شدنto become confusedto get in a muddle
از فاصله دور با کسی با صدای بلند سلام و احوال پرسی کندto greet someone loudly from a distanceto hail

BBC 6 minute English - Hello, hello

Transcript of the podcast

پادکست BBC انگلیسی - Hello, hello

Hello. I'm Catherine.

Hello. I'm Rob.

We both started with what is probably the best-known greeting in English and one of the first words English language students learn, and that is 'hello'! So today in 6 Minute English we're digging a little deeper into the world of greetings and the fascinating history of 'hello'.

Surprisingly, the word 'hello' is not as old as you might think. But when did it first appear in print in English?

Was it:

a)    in the 1890s
b)    the 1950s or
c)    the1820s

Well, I think English changes really quickly, so I'm going to say b) the 1950s. And we'll say 'hello again' to 'hello' a little later in the programme.

First, greetings. They can be a bit of a minefield. A subject full of unpredictable difficulties.

While in many places a handshake or bow is normal – there's also the tricky question of kisses and hugs.

Awkward. Should you kiss? How many times? And should your lips touch their cheek?

No, Rob - definitely an air-kiss! Close to the cheek, but don't touch. Much safer.

Greetings are the subject of a new book, by former British diplomat Andy Scott, called One Kiss or Two: In Search of the Perfect Greeting. Here he is on a BBC radio show Word of Mouth. Why are greetings so important?

Andy Scott, author
These are the first moments of interaction we have with people. And it's in those first moments, and using those verbal and physical rituals that we have and we can get in such a muddle about, that we're kind of recognising each other and reaffirming our bonds or even testing our bonds and our relationships with each other, we're signalling our intentions towards each other, despite the fact we might not necessarily be conscious when we're doing them.

Scott says we need to communicate our intentions to each other and acknowledge our relationships.

Well, that's what greetings do. One word he uses to mean 'relationship' or 'connection' is bond. We can reaffirm our bonds, which means we confirm them and make them stronger.

And we do it through rituals -patterns of behaviour that we do for a particular purpose. So there are the phrases such as 'hello', 'good afternoon', 'nice to meet you', and as well as the physical rituals – handshakes, bows and kisses.

Though he also said we sometimes want to test our bonds. We might want to check if our friendship has grown by offering something warmer than usual – like a hug instead of a handshake.

Now, Scott acknowledges how difficult greetings can be – using the very British slang phrase – to get in a muddle. If you get in a muddle, you become confused or lost. You might get in a muddle if one person expects two kisses and the other expects only one.

Though Scott does believe that the details don't really matter, because another important purpose of greetings is to reduce tension. So if you get it wrong, just laugh about it.

OK, let's get back to the one word we really shouldn't get in a muddle about, 'hello'.

Let's listen to Dr Laura Wright, a linguist from Cambridge University, also speaking on the BBC Word of Mouth radio programme. Where does 'hello' come from?

Dr Laura Wright, Linguist and BBC presenter
It starts as a distant hailing: "I see you miles over there and I've got to yell at you." It's not until the invention of telephones we really get to use hello as a greeting to each other, and even then it wasn't initially used as a greeting, it was used more as an attention-grabbing device: "You are miles away, the line is about to be cut, I need to attract the attention of the operator as well." And so everybody would call 'hello' to each other as this long-distance greeting form.

Laura says 'hello' hasn't always meant 'hello' – originally it was just a shout to attract someone's attention. And we call this kind of shouting hailing.

The shout would vary in form – it could sound like a 'hollo'! Or a 'hulloa'!

We continued this kind of hailing when telephones first appeared. People would keep repeating 'hello, hello' while they were waiting to be connected. And before long, this became the actual way to greet somebody on the telephone. Anyway, before we say 'goodbye' to 'hello' – let's have the answer to today's question.

I asked when the word first appeared in print in English. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it was in 1826. Other spellings appeared before that.

Ah, you see – I was thinking English changes really quickly, but not that quickly.

Not that quickly.

So before we go, let's have a look at today's vocabulary again. A minefield is something that is full of uncertainty and even danger. This sense comes from the literal meaning – a field full of explosive landmines!

And then we had air-kiss – which is when you kiss the air beside someone's face, instead of the face itself! Like this: mwah.

And we had bond – a connection. There's a close bond between us I think, Rob.

Which is good, because when I get in a muddle, you're always very understanding!


To get in a muddle means to become confused.

Ritual was another word – rituals are certain behaviours that people perform in certain contexts. I have a morning ritual, for example: brush my teeth, eat breakfast… I didn't say it was an interesting ritual, Rob!

No, that's true. Finally, to hail – it's to greet someone loudly, especially from a distance. I hailed   my friend when I saw her at the airport.

And that's it for this programme. For more, find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, and of course our website! Bye!


امیدوارم از پادکست BBC انگلیسی - Hello hello لذت برده باشید.

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اگه تو هم از اون آدمهایی هستی که از گوش دادن به پادکست لذت می بره برات یه خبر خوب دارم! آموزشگاه آموزش زبان انگلیسی 24talk یه دوره طراحی کرده مبتنی بر پادکست و داستان کوتاه به اسم "پادکستوری - Podcastory". این دوره سعی کرده یادگیری زبان انگلیسی رو مناسب با نیاز و سطح زبان آموز به یه فرایند بسیار مفرح، موثر، سریع و کم هزینه تبدیل کنه.

همین الان می تونی با کلیک روی عکس زیر و ثبت نام در دوره ی آموزش زبان انگلیسی با پادکست و داستان ۲۴talk اولین و مهم ترین قدم رو برای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی برداری. وقت رو از دست نده!

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