IELTS Cue Card شماره 31 :

یکی از سوال‌هایی که ممکنه در بخش اسپیکینگ آیلتس (IELTS Speaking) پرسیده بشه توصیف فردی در خانواده است که او را بسیار تحسین میکنی. سوالی که از شما پرسیده میشه اینه:

IELTS Cue Card: Describe someone in your family who you really admire.

برای پاسخ به این سوال باید سه موضوع را در نظر داشته باشید:

این فرد با تو چه نسبتی داردwhat relation this person is to you
قدیمی ترین خاطره ای که از او داری what are your first memories of this person
چندوقت یک بار او را می بینی how often you see this person

و توضیح دهید که چرا این فرد را اینقدر تحسین می کنید.

در ادامه با انواع سوال هایی که در بخش سوم پرسیده میشود آشنا می شویم و بعد چند نمونه جواب را برای هر بخش و هر سوال بررسی میکنیم و لغات مهم و کاربردی استفاده شده در جواب را با هم مرور می کنیم.

مطالعه ی IELTS Cue Card شماره 31 به شما کمک میکند تا خود را برای بخش اسپیکینگ آیلتس آماده کنید و دایره ی لغات مورد نیاز برای این بخش را افزایش دهید.

سوالات بخش 3

What are the values of family in your country?

ارزش های خانواده در کشور شما چیست؟

How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

پیوند خانواده برای خوشبختی در زندگی چقدر ضروری است؟

What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?

کدام نوع خانواده را دوست دارید؟ خانواده هسته ای یا خانواده مشترک؟

How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade?

ارزش ها و پیوند خانوادگی در طی یک دهه گذشته چه تغییراتی کرده است؟

پاسخ نمونه بخش 2

I am never really a kind of person who likes to admire other persons (well, for a girl, I am a rather “free-spirited” person) even when they should be. But, when it comes to my elder sister, I can’t help admiring her even on her worst days.

My sister is about 5 years older than me, and since my childhood, she is the person who looked after me in the absence of my parents (they were both working parents). I can still vividly remember those days when I was allowed to play outside with my friends, and I didn’t want to return home, but it was my elder sister who had pulled me up with her two hands and pretty much “snatched” me from the playground. I can also remember those special times when my elder sister kept playing cartoon movies one after another until I actually chose the one which I decided to watch in the end. My elder sister and I loved baking chocolate cake together, and this memory goes back to those days when I had just probably learned to write a full sentence and draw an elephant without any help. Anyway, I don’t really see my elder sister now because we both have different work and school schedules these days.

I really admire my sister mainly because she is a truly loving and patient person for her age. In fact, in my 25 years of life, I have never seen my elder sister get mad at me even though I have done plenty of things to annoy her. As an elder sister, she knew her role perfectly well in the absence of our parents as I remember her cooking for me and feeding me even during the days when she fell sick. Finally, I admire my elder sister because of her sheer determination which made her study for a PhD degree at night after having a full-time job during the day time. 

پاسخ نمونه بخش 3

What are the values of family in your country?

ارزش های خانواده در کشور شما چیست؟

That’s a really important question. First of all, I believe that family values don’t differ from country to country and please allow me to say that they should be the same throughout the world. As far as I’m concerned, the most important values of a family are the moral values, which enable people to draw plausible distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false. The lessons learned from the family are invaluable throughout our life. A family is the most important group that makes life worth living.

Furthermore, family values are vital in making decisions and can be obtained by personal and life experiences with close relationships with family members. To be more specific, some examples could be: being honest and trustworthy, courageous and patient, taking up responsibilities as well as adding values to the world are the norms of our family and society. A family is utterly important and we stand for our family members no matter what. Thus ‘family comes first’ is the morality everyone in our country believes in. We also consider a family as the unit of a society or a country and bonding, relationship, trustworthiness, helpfulness are lessons which come with the close family ties.

How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

پیوند خانواده برای خوشبختی در زندگی چقدر ضروری است؟

Our parents are the reason for our existence and with them, we get a family. Parents are the persons we see and rely on when we open our eyes for the first time. Moreover, parents are the primary educator and they teach their children how to develop confidence, social skills, morals, values and views in life. Since they are the base of our family, closeness in a family leads people to have an intrinsically fulfilling and flourishing life.

This can be justified by the fact that children who enjoy strong family bonding tend to be happier and mentally healthier than those who are in a dysfunctional family environment.

What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?

کدام نوع خانواده را دوست دارید؟ خانواده هسته ای یا خانواده مشترک؟

That’s really an interesting question! A nuclear family is preferable to me than a joint family. The reason for my preference is perhaps because I grew up in a nuclear family and it was a pleasant memory for me. Besides, in a nuclear family, the couple and their children have a stronger relationship. Fighting and quarrel are rare in nuclear families.

On the other hand, the second type of family is the extended family or joint family and includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and so on. I prefer a quiet environment than a noisy one. In a joint family, this is unlikely to happen and people often do not have sufficient privacy. Therefore, I strongly believe that a family only with mum, dad and siblings would work better for me.

How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade?

ارزش ها و پیوند خانوادگی در طی یک دهه گذشته چه تغییراتی کرده است؟

Unfortunately, the sacred notion of a family has lost its meaning to a certain extent in the last ten years. People don’t invest in feelings anymore and don’t retreat as well. Nowadays quarrels between couples are a frequent occurrence and because women are financially independent, they don’t step back like they did many years ago. Moreover, a principal cause that has led to this situation is the overreliance on the Internet. When family members have some spare time they prefer to consume it by going online instead of having some family conversations. I would jump to the conclusion that people who decide to create a family should let go their ego and in difficult times they should also think that their children want their parents to be happy and together.

نکات مهم برای جواب دادن به IELTS Cue Card شماره 31

شما مطمئنا چیزهای زیادی در مورد اعضای خانواده خود می دانید و جواب دادن به این کیو کارد باید برایتان آسان باشد. فقط روی سؤالاتی که زیر موضوع کیو کارت آمده تمرکز کنید. سوالات زیر ممکن است با این کیو کارت همراه باشند. به پاسخ های سریع که می شود به این سوالات داد توجه کنید:

1. Who is he/she? : My mother / My father/ My brother/ My sister etc.

2. Your relationship with this family member:  She is my mother/ he is my father etc.

3. What you do together:  We walk out in the evening together/ cook together/ study together/ enjoy our conversations/ talk a lot about family issues etc.

4. What is s/he like-  He/ she is kind, talented, energetic, works hard, dedicated, caring, possess a great personality, open-minded etc.

5. How long do you know him /her: From my childhood/ all of my life/ for more than 20 years etc.

6. How often do you see him/her: Every day/ once in a month/ most of the time I stay at home/ in every three months etc.

7. Why do you like him/ her or why do you admire him/ her?: S/he loves me unconditionally, very close to me, very caring, have a good heart, talented, helpful, my best mentor etc.

8. Since grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, etc could be a part of a joint family, you can describe any of them if you live in a joint family.

وقتی که دارید در مورد خصوصیات اخلاقی این فرد یا اینکه چرا این فرد را تحسین می کنید، صحبت می کنید می توانید از نکات زیر برای توصیف او استفاده کنید:

     For father: He is honest, brave, had a good heart, talented, leads an ideal life, has sacrificed a lot to up-bring us, is an exemplary person, everybody respects him, is the best person I have ever known, loves me very much, hardworking, punctual, talented etc.

     For mother: She is so caring, loving, hardworking and possesses a good heart, has done a lot to up-bring us, very close to me, very understanding, one of my best friends, knows a lot of things and has so many practical skills etc.

     For brother: He is so brave, talented, well mannered, knows a lot about different things, has always supported me no matter what, he is loved and liked by others, cooperative and we have many pleasant memories together, like a mentor to me, is my best buddy, taught me almost everything he knows, always protects me etc.

     For sister: She is caring, a good friend, loving, a good mentor, helps you with study or on other tasks, supportive, a very good friend, talented and well-mannered.

لغات و اصطلاحات مورد نیاز برای این کیو کارت

Relatives (افراد فامیل) = Your family members are also your relatives.

Nuclear family (خانواده هسته ای) = A nuclear family, also called an elementary family, is a type of family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children.

Extended family (خانواده گسترده) = An extended family extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives.

Sibling (خواهر و برادر) = Siblings are your brothers and sisters.

مترادف Relationship = Tie, link, attachment.

مترادف Admire = Adore, idolise, respect, revere, honour, held in high regard, think highly of, esteem. 

مترادف Memory =  Remembrance, thoughts, reminiscence, recollection, musing.

Bring up (بزرگ کردن) = Raise a child.
Look after (مراقبت کردن) = Take care of.
Rely on (تکیه کردن) = Depend on.
Be close to (نزدیک بودن به) = Having a strong bonding.
Get along with (جور بودن با) = Being close and friendly.
Admire (تحسین کردن) = To respect and like someone.
A bubbly personality (شخصیت شاد و سرزنده) = A person who is very happy, lively, and often optimistic.
Charismatic (جذاب) = Someone with great charm and attraction, especially one who inspires others.

کلمات مربوط به family:

Flesh and blood
Blood is thicker than water
Get along with
Rely on/ depend on
Raise/ bring up
To be close
Get together
Have things in common
Family trait
Run in the family
Close-knit family
Extended family
Nuclear family
To Raise
Foster family
Quality time
Juvenile delinquency
To play truant
Single parent
Family tree

اگر برای IELTS Cue Card شماره 31 خود را آماده کردید، می توانید با تغییرات جزیی به موضوعات کیو کارت های زیر هم به همین صورت جواب دهید:

1. Talk about someone who cares about you a lot.

درباره کسی صحبت کنید که خیلی به شما اهمیت می دهد.

2. Describe a person whom you like very much.

شخصی را که خیلی دوست دارید توصیف کنید.

3. Describe the person whom you admire most.

شخصی را که بیشتر از همه تحسین می کنید توصیف کنید.

4. Talk about a person you know for a long.

درباره شخصی که مدت طولانی می شناسید صحبت کنید.

5. Talk about a senior person whom you like a lot.

در مورد یک فرد بزرگ تر از شما که خیلی دوستش دارید صحبت کنید.

6. Talk about a person who has a great influence on your life.

در مورد شخصی صحبت کنید که تأثیر زیادی در زندگی شما دارد.

اگر مطالب IELTS Cue Card شماره 31 برایتان مفید بود و هنوز درمورد بخش اسپیکینگ آیلتس یا سایر بخش های این آزمون سوال یا نیاز به تمرین بیشتر داشتید، پیشنهاد میکنم در دوره‌ی فشرده ایلتس شرکت کنید تا با بهره مندی از کمک های اساتید باتجربه ی آیلتس، نمره ی ایده آل خود را از این آزمون سرنوشت ساز بدست آورید.

اگر هم قصدتان توانایی مکالمه به زبان انگلیسی است به شما شرکت در دوره‌ی مکالمه زبان انگلیسی آکادمی آنلاین 24talk را پیشنهاد میکنیم که با تمرکز بر روی تقویت مهارت مکالمه، دوره‌های خصوصی و نیمه خصوصی در سطوح مختلف برای شما زبان آموزان عزیز ارائه می کند.

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