گرامر در 6 دقیقه: Present Perfect Continuous
زمان present perfect continuous یکی از بحث های گرامریه که خیلی ها باهاش مشکل دارن و نمیدونن کی باید ازش استفاده کنن. با این قسمت از گرامر در 6 دقیقه میخوایم یاد بگیریم کجا باید از این زمان که تو فارسی بهش میگیم حال کامل استمراری استفاده کنیم. بعد از گوش دادن به پادکست (و خوندن متنش اگه بش نیاز داشتی)، می تونی نکات گرامری این درس رو هم بخونی و با نکاتی که یاد میگیری مهارتت رو در استفاده از زمان present perfect continuous در زبان انگلیسی بالا ببری!
امیدوارم از گرامر در 6 دقیقه: present perfect continuous لذت ببری و کلی نکته مفید ازش یاد بگیری.
BBC 6 Minute Grammar – Intermediate – Present Perfect Continuous

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Grammar with me, Neil.
And me, Catherine.
Today we’re talking about the present perfect continuous tense.
We’ll remind you when to use it and how to form it…
We’ll also look at using it with the words just and already and other adverbs.
And we’ll finish with a quiz. So let’s kick things off with an example of the present perfect continuous, read for us by Finn.
I’ve been reading that book you lent me last weekend… it’s great!
Thank you Finn. So I’ve been reading… is an action that started in the past and is continuing in the present: Finn is still reading that book. Here’s another example:
It’s been raining since 9 o’clock this morning.
It has! It started raining in the morning, continued raining and it’s still raining now.
We can also use the present perfect continuous for actions that have recently finished. An example, please Finn.
I’ve got paint all over my clothes because I’ve been decorating the living room.
Ah, so Finn’s got paint all over his clothes, and that’s the evidence he was painting but now he’s finished. Another example please, Finn:
Joe! Where have you been? I’ve been trying to get hold of you… I’ve got some bad news.
So, Finn has finally managed to find Joe. The action of looking for Joe has finished but Finn was looking right up until the moment he found him.
To say how long an action has been happening for, we can add a time expression.
Jack has got a big concert tomorrow. He’s been rehearsing all day.
We’ve been going to the same hotel for the last ten years.
Earlier, Finn said: it has been raining since 9 o’clock this morning.
For three hours, for the last ten years and since 9 o’clock this morning tell us how long the activity has been happening.
The present perfect continuous is often used with the words already and just.
That’s right, we can use already if an action hasn’t finished, and we want to emphasise how long it’s been happening. Finn:
She’s already been sleeping for three hours.
This chicken has already been cooking for two hours.
We use just when the action has already finished – and we want to emphasise how recently it finished.
There’s Yasemin – I’ve just been talking to her husband on the phone!
We can also use recently or lately to say that a situation or action finished only a short while ago, but they are a little further back in time than just. So, Neil, have you been doing anything special recently…
Well, I’ve been trying to lose a bit of weight recently, so I’ve been going to the gym after work.
It’s starting to show a little bit.
Yes. How about you, Catherine…?
Well, I’m afraid I haven’t been going to the gym because I’ve been feeling rather tired lately and I haven’t been sleeping very well.
You’ve been working too hard! Now, we form the present perfect continuous with the subject plus have or has and the present participle of the main verb. Here are some examples:
Jack has been working hard.
It’s been raining …
I’ve been reading that book …
And for negatives, it’s subject plus haven’t or hasn’t and the present participle.
I haven’t been sleeping very well.
We usually put just and already between have or has and the past participle. So it’s She’s already been sleeping for three hours.
…and I’ve just been talking to her husband ….
But time expressions usually go after the main verb. So it’s Jack’s been studying all day.
And don’t forget to use short forms like I’ve… It’s… haven’t… hasn’t with the present perfect continuous.
6 Minute Grammar from the BBC.
And we’re talking about the present perfect continuous.
We use it to talk about an activity that started in the past and is continuing now or has recently finished.
And we often use it with the adverbs just and already, and with other time expressions like recently and lately.
Time for our quiz. Number one. Which is correct? The chicken only needs another fifteen minutes. It’s a) …already been cooking for two hours, or b) It’s just been cooking for two hours.
And that’s a) because the chicken is still cooking.
That’s correct. Number 2. a) Where have you been? I wait for you for half an hour. b) Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour.
It’s b) because you use the present perfect continuous to say how long you have been doing an action.
Finally, number 3. a) You’ve been listening just to 6 minute grammar. b) You’ve just been listening to 6 minute grammar.
It’s b) because just goes between the auxiliary have and been.
Correct and it’s the end of the show. Join us again for more 6 Minute Grammar soon.
معنی و کاربرد
زمان present perfect continuous در مورد فعالیتی به کار می رود که از گذشته آغاز شده و اکنون نیز ادامه دارد یا اخیراً به پایان رسیده است.
I’ve been reading that new book you lent me… I’m really enjoying it. (اخیراً به پایان رسیده)
Is that Joe? I’ve been trying to contact you. I’ve got some bad news. (اخیراً به پایان رسیده)
ما اغلب از این زمان استفاده می کنیم تا بر ماهیت مداوم یک فعالیت تأکید کنیم یا بگوییم مدت زمان این فعالیت همچنان ادامه داشته است.
She’s already been sleeping for two hours.
It’s been raining all morning.
I’ve been decorating the house this summer
یا برای مواقعی که همین الان آن فعالیت به پایان رسیده که در این مورد از قید just و مانند آن استفاده میکنیم.
You’ve got paint all over your T-shirt.’ ‘Oh, I’ve just been painting the living room.
We often use recently and lately with the present perfect continuous.
I’m really tired. I haven’t been sleeping well lately
ساختار زمان حال کامل استمراری
subject + have/has + been + present participle of main verb
قید های just وalready میتوانند بین have/has و past participle قرار بگیرند.
Jack’s working very hard for his exams. He’s been revising all day.
I’ve been working at the café for two weeks.
You’ve been watching far too much telly for too long. Why don’t you take up a new sport?
فرم منفی
subject + haven’t/hasn’t + been + present participle of main verb
I haven’t been drinking coffee these last few days and my head is much clearer.
Doctor, I’ve been feeling dizzy and faint in the mornings.
فرم سوالی
have/has not + subject + present participle
Have you been eating all the biscuits? There are none left!
What have you been doing? You look exhausted!
امیدوارم از مطلب گرامر در 6 دقیقه: فرم سوالی لذت برده باشید. برای تمرین و یادگیری موضوعات دیگر گرامری می توانید از صفحه ی آموزش گرامر زبان انگلیسی دیدن کنید.