احتمالا شنیدی که خوندن روش خیلی خوبی برای یادگیری زبان انگلیسیه. از بین همه متن هایی که میشه برای این منظور انتخاب کرد (بلاگ ها، مقالات، اخبار، …) داستان های کوتاه انگلیسی یکی از بهترین ها و موثرترین هاست چون می تونه بهت هم کلی لغت یاد بده هم گرامر و ساختار جمله و حتی درس های فرهنگی. خوندن داستان کوتاه وقت کمی ازت می گیره اما چیزهای زیادی بهت یاد میده و حتی می تونه سرگرم کننده هم باشه. امروز قراره با هم یه داستان‌ کوتاه انگلیسی سطح Intermediate (متوسط) رو بخونیم به اسم “Loyalty ” (وفاداری).

یه مزیت خوب یادگیری زبان با خوندن داستان کوتاه اینه که می تونی این روش رو در مورد هر نوع متنی که باهاش رو به رو میشی به کار ببری و ازش نتیجه خوبی هم بگیری. یادگیری زبان انگلیسی با داستان کوتاه حتی می تونه تو رو کم کم برای متن های سنگین تر و تخصصی تر آزمون آیلتس و تافل یا هر آزمون زبان دیگه ای مثل دولینگو Duolingo آماده کنه.

پیشنهاد ما برای خوندن داستان‌ کوتاه انگلیسی سطح Intermediate اینه که اول لیست واژگان مهم داستان رو ببینی بعد بری سراغ خود داستان. یه بار داستان رو بخون تا با کلیت داستان آشنا بشی. بار دوم به جزییات داستان دقت کن. حالا برو سراغ سوالات درک مطلب و بهشون جواب بده. در مرحله ی آخر هم یه بار دیگه داستان رو بخون. این مرحله برای اینه که اگه هنوز جایی از متن برات سوال بود بری سراغ دیکشنری و جستجو در گوگل. جواب سوال های درک مطلب رو هم با کلید سوالات که آخر مطلب قرار گرفته چک کن.

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داستان‌ کوتاه انگلیسی سطح Intermediate – وفاداری Loyalty

داستان‌ کوتاه انگلیسی سطح Intermediate - وفاداری Loyalty

لیست واژگان مهم داستان

چراگاه : pastureمراقبت کردن از: look after
وحشت و هراس : panic استخدام کردن، به کار گرفتن : employ
دزدیدن : steal علوفه : fodder
نادیده گرفتن : ignoreاستقلال : independence
چوپان: shepherdسوت، سوت زدن : whistle
عطسه کردن : sneezeاحساس آرامش کردن : relieve


It happened a long time ago. There lived a man named Mandal. He had many cows, goats deer and horses.

He loved pet animals but looking after so many animals was not one man’s job. He employed a boy named Pittoo to work as his helper in tending animals.

Within merely a few days, all animals became Pittoo’s pets. The boy loved the animals. He understood them so well as if he knew their language. And the pets seemed to talk back to him.

He knew which animal wanted fodder, which one wanted water and which one needed bathing. Pittoo took care of all their needs. For the animals the young boy Pittoo was like a mother. One whistle of Pittoo could bring all the pets running to him.

Mandal was greatly relieved to see this. The boy took cows to a nearby pasture every morning and brought them back in the evening. He took care that no wild animal attacked the pets.

One day, Pittoo was grazing cows when bandits struck. It was all so unexpected. Pittoo hid inside a bush in panic. The bandits, which were armed robbers, were pleased to find so many fat and healthy cows to steal. The chief said, ‘It’s a nice catch. Fat cows…Herd them away.”

The bandits tried to drive the cows toward their den. But the cows had turned dumb. They just stood and ignored the commands of the bandits. The cows went on ruminating or grazing.

The bandits were in a fix. They used sticks but the cows refused to respond.

The dacoit chief was getting angry. He ordered all the bandits to rain sticks on the cows. A dacoit suggested, “Chief.. I think these cows have a very friendly shepherd only whose command they obey. He must be somewhere here hiding. The cows won’t move without his signal.”

The chief agreed with it. He ordered, “Find that shepherd. Comb the bushes.”

Pittoo was listening to their conversation. He was proud of the behavior of his cows. At the same time he was very frightened.

The bandits searched for Pittoo. He got a chance to leave the bush and stand inside the hollow of a tree.

The bandits combed all the bushes. They looked into the tall grass. The horse of a dacoit stood in front of the tree in which Pittoo was hiding. The horse was swishing its tail, being restless. A hair of horse tail by chance went into Pittoo’s nose and he sneezed.

That was a give away. The dacoit grabbed Pittoo and dragged him out of the tree hollow. He was taken to the dacoit chief. The chief growled, “Do you graze these cows?”

Frightened Pittoo nodded his head. The chief gave an order, “Get this boy on the horse with one of you. Ask him to signal the cows to follow.”

Pittoo whistled and the cows came together. A dacoit got the boy on his horse. The cows followed at Pittoo’s signal. The horses trotted on and the cows kept following.

In spite of getting tired the cows kept walking for the sake of Pittoo. At last the caravan reached the den of the bandits. The cows were tethered to the trees.

The chief announced, ‘Milk the cows and enjoy the milk. We rarely get milk. Kill that fat black cow tomorrow and we shall have a feast. Feed her well.’

So it was done. The tired bandits fell asleep. But there was no sleeping for Pittoo. He was worried sick. Tomorrow the black cow and then one by one all his cows would die. Pittoo wanted to get free.

Then, he decided to play a do or die game. For him saving his pet cows was the most important thing. He quietly got up and untied all the cows. He gave a silent signal and walked away. Like intelligent animals, the cows followed him making little noise while moving. Pittoo kept walking in the direction of the lights of the town. Some distance away from the den Pittoo heaved a sigh of relief and walked faster. The cows clip-clopped behind him. By the day break they reached home.

Meanwhile, Mandal was a worried man. He had been waiting all night long for his cows to come back.

When he saw Pittoo coming followed by cows he ran to him and embraced the boy Pittoo then narrated to Mandal the dacoit story. He hugged Pittoo again and again. That day Mandal served fodder to the cows with his own hands while tears kept falling from his eyes.

سوالات درک مطلب داستان

Why did Mandal employ Pittoo?

What was the animals’ reaction when bandits attacked?

When the bandits saw the animal’s reactions, what did they do?

How did Pittoo save the animals?

امیدوارم از داستان‌ کوتاه انگلیسی سطح Intermediate – وفاداری Loyalty لذت برده باشی.

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همین الان می تونی با کلیک روی عکس زیر و ثبت نام در دوره ی آموزش زبان انگلیسی با پادکست و داستان 24talk اولین و مهم ترین قدم رو برای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی برداری. وقت رو از دست نده!

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پادکست انگلیسی BBC پادکست انگلیسی VOA پادکست سطح‌بندی British Council