پادکست انگلیسی BBC – آداب معاشرت برای پسرها
در یک مدرسه انگلیسی یک درس جدیدی حسابی بین دانش آموزهای پسر محبوبیت پیدا کرده: چطور در یک جمعی از افراد باکلاس و متشخص رفتار کنیم؟ تا حالا براتون پیش اومده که تو چنین جمع هایی حاضر بشین و ندونین چه رفتاری مناسبه؟ مثلا سر میز شام باید اول کدوم قاشق و چنگال رو برداری؟ آیا اصلا چنین درس هایی اهمیت داره؟ در پادکست انگلیسی BBC – آداب معاشرت برای پسرها می شنویم که کالم Callum و جنیفر Jennifer درباره ی این مدل رفتارهای باکلاس اطلاعاتی بدست میارن و در این مسیر کلمات جالب و کاربردی جدید هم بهتون آموزش میدن.
سوال پادکست انگلیسی BBC – آداب معاشرت برای پسرها :
According to the rules of etiquette, at a formal meal where there are three sets of cutlery which should you use first?
a) The knife and fork furthest from your plate
b) the set closest to your plate
c) the set in the middle
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اگه به پادکست انگلیسی گوش کردی و نتونستی کامل متوجه اش بشی، ناامید نشو. پادکست هایESL -English as Second Language بیشماری وجود دارن که برای سطوح مختلف، از ابتدایی تا پیشرفته طراحی شدن. مطمئنا هر روز می تونین یه پادکست مناسب با سطح خودت پیدا کنی.
فراموش نکن که هرچی بیشتر تمرین کنی در اون مهارت رشد میکنی! به قول انگلیسی ها: Practice makes perfect
واژگان کلیدی پادکست انگلیسی BBC - آداب معاشرت برای پسرها
معنی به فارسی | معنی به انگلیسی | واژه |
مدرسه دخترانه که مهارتهای زندگی قشر مرفه می آموزد | a place where young women are taught how to behave in high society | finishing school |
رفتار پسندیده | the accepted rules for behaviour in particular situations | etiquette |
شروع شدن یا اتفاق افتادن | to happen, to begin | to come about |
مراسم و مهمانی رسمی | a formal party often held to celebrate a special event | a ball |
قصد مشارکت در چیزی داشتن | to want to be involved with or take part in something | to want a piece of something |
محبوب یا موفق شدن | to be successful and popular | to go down well |
سر خود را بالا گرفتن/اعتماد به نفس داشتن | to be confident and proud | to hold your head up high |
BBC 6 minute English - Etiquette lessons for boys

پادکست انگلیسی BBC - آداب معاشرت برای پسرها
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Callum and with me today is Jennifer.Hello Jennifer
Hello Callum
Jennifer, did you go to a finishing school
You mean one of those schools where young ladies learn how to behave in high society
Yes, did you go to one
What do you think
Well, your manners and behaviour are so impeccable that I would not be surprised if you had
Well, I don’t know about finishing school, but it sounds like you’ve graduated from charm school
In days gone by, social etiquette, or the way to behave in polite society, was something that well-to-do young ladies were tutored in. Today’s programme is all about a course being run now for teenage boys in an English school. Before we learn more about this, here’s today’s question. A question about etiquette. In a fancy restaurant, either side of your place setting there are different knives and forks for the different courses of your meal. Maybe there are three different forks on the left and three knives on the right. The question is, which should you use first? The knife and fork furthest from your plate, the set closest to your plate or the set in the middle? Jennifer, what do you think
Well, I think I know the answer to this one. I think it’s outside-in. So I think the set furthest from your plate is the one you use first
OK. We’ll find out if you’re right at the end of the programme. Fowey School in England has begun offering etiquette lessons to teenage boys. So whose idea was this? Here’s their Headmaster, John Parry, talking to our colleagues from BBC Radio
Headmaster of Fowey School, John Parry
The way it came about was that a group of girls actually wanted a course to prepare them for the Year 11 Leavers’ Ball which is, which is something which most schools do these days. They’re pretty sophisticated events, and the boys said, actually you know what, we want a piece of that as well
Jennifer, whose idea was it
It was the boys’ idea. John Parry said it ‘came about’ because, after the girls had asked for a course to prepare them for a special social event, the boys wanted one too. Or as he put it, the boys said, “We want a piece of that as well”. Which simply means, they wanted to be included as well
And what special event are they all preparing for
The Year 11 Leavers’ Ball. A ‘ball’ is big formal party and a leavers’ ball is held at the end of the school year, when students are leaving the school. John describes them as being sophisticated events
Have you ever been to one of these
Yes actually. When I left school we were one of the first years to have a leavers’ ball and it was a very glamorous event and quite sophisticated too
Let’s listen to John Parry again
Headmaster of Fowey School, John Parry
The way it came about was that a group of girls actually wanted a course to prepare them for the Year 11 Leavers’ Ball which is, which is something which most schools do these days
They’re pretty sophisticated events, and the boys said, actually you know what, we want a piece of that as well
Who is helping with the etiquette lessons? What are the kinds of things they are learning, and how do the boys feel about it? Here’s John Parry again
Headmaster of Fowey School, John Parry
We work very closely with a, with a local hotel who are teaching the boys, you know, all about etiquette, all about how to dress, how to act with confidence and so on. It’s gone down extremely well with the boys
Jennifer, who is helping the lessons and what are they learning
A local hotel is helping them out and teaching them things like how to dress and how to act with confidence
Has it been popular
Yes, John said that it’s ‘gone down extremely well’ with the boys. If something ‘goes down well’ it means that it’s been liked
So what do you think of this Jennifer, do you think these are useful things for school boys to learn or does it seem maybe a bit old-fashioned
I don’t think it’s old-fashioned. I think it’s useful for school boys and perhaps school girls to learn these manners and etiquette. It’s really nice when people hold doors open for you. It’s a very polite thing to do so I think everybody could do with a bit of education
Yes, I completely agree. I’m just being polite there, you know. In the case of this school though, it’s not all about impressing girls at parties. Headmaster John Parry also believes there is a strong practical reason for learning etiquette. He thinks it can help overcome some of the problems that universities and employers have with young people.He explains more
Headmaster of Fowey School, John Parry
One of the criticisms they make of students is that they know a lot of knowledge, they’re very good in their exams but sometimes their social skills let them down. And we wanted our students to, you know, walk with confidence, you know, hold their head up high in any given social situation; whether that’s, you know a ball, as we’re doing, or whether that’s going for a university interview, a job interview
So Jennifer, how can these classes help, apart from helping them with girls
Well, by helping to build their confidence it can give them a better chance when applying for jobs or university places. He mentioned that even though students may be good at exams, they also need to have good social skills, they need to be confident. That could make the difference between their getting a job or not
Yes, as he put it, he wants the students to be able to hold their heads up high. An expression which means to be proud and confident. Let’s listen again
Headmaster of Fowey School, John Parry
One of the criticisms they make of students is that they know a lot of knowledge, they’re very good in their exams but sometimes their social skills let them down. And we wanted our students to, you know, walk with confidence, you know, hold their head up high in any given social situation; whether that’s, you know a ball, as we’re doing, or whether that’s going for a university interview, a job interview
Well that’s just about all we have time for today. Before we finish, the answer to today’s question. When faced with a number of different knives and forks at a formal meal, which ones do you start with? Jennifer, you said
Outside-in, the ones furthest from your plate
That’s exactly right, yes
Well done, well done. So thank you very much Jennifer and goodbye
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